Thursday, February 21, 2013

My marrow continues to recover!

Great news, Wayne-followers! I saw Dr Porter this week and again my blood counts are improving, with a hemoglobin over 10 for the first time since over a year ago (Halloween 2011) and platelets are stable at 87K. Total white count 2.7 low but at least neither neutropenia nor high lymphocyte counts.

The large lymph node on the left side of my neck did not decrease in size as dramatically as with the last HDMP-Rituxan cycle, but Porter is encouraged that my marrow seems to be coming back even though I still have bulky lymphadenopathy. The balance for future treatment now swings back to the CAR Tcell project, over the transplant option. It would depend on further tests - CT scan and repeat marrow - and if they can harvest adequate T cells from me.

So no transfusions or treatment for now, to get CT scans to check nodes burden internally in a few weeks, and then we'll see...

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