I ended up needing several platelet and one packed RBC transfusions in the last several weeks, but my counts this week were good enough to skip both until the coming Monday, yay! My total WBC remains low, only 6K this week, but I did not see the differential. My hemoglobin was good as it usually gets at day 6 after last red cell transfusion - 8.7. The bottom line here is that I may be experiencing some recovery of my bone marrow, but probably I am jumping the gun. My count early next week will probably show the need for platelets but maybe not RBC. At any rate I have not seen a platelet count over 20K since May this year, about the time of my last Treanda-Rituxan treatment. If only my marrow would start doing its job, then I could be enrolled in a clinical trial somewhere.....
Of note is that despite getting a unit of platelets the day before the Mohs surgery on my scalp, I bled badly and did not stop until almost an hour of intermittent direct pressure the evening of the surgery. I had to go to a local hospital where they used Surgicel (absorbable plant-derived cellulose pledgets that are hemostatic, learn more) to help stop the bleeding and rechecked my platelet count. It was 14k so I got another unit of platelets. My wife the RN and I were both annoyed that the dermatologists were not more concerned about my bleeding risk and should have aimed to get my plt count higher before the surgery. This is what the US and UK guidelines recommend. I suspect though that the fact I had Mohs surgery near my ear on my face a few months before with a similar starting platelet count (and a day after transfusion) the docs and I were lulled into a false sense of security. Another aspect of this is that once again there is this tendency for docs to allow a doc patient to make his own choices and be on top of all the medical issues, which is clearly not optimal.
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